Survivors of conflict received personalized advice in Villagarzón (Putumayo)

With an attendance of more than 200 people, the day of care for the victim population in the municipality identified as the heart of the department ended.

The Victims Unit, with the support of the municipal mayor’s office, held a day of attention for survivors of armed conflict in the municipality of Villagarzón.

During the day, a registration professional and five counselors of the territorial management of the entity in Putumayo provided technical assistance to users in their questions about the services and processes led by the Unit, related to humanitarian aid, compensation, registration news, individual reparation or notifications of administrative acts, among other issues.

In the course of the event, favorable opinions were heard about the strategy by telephone scheduling, such as those of Jessica Piamba, a survivor of conflict from the village of Villa Rica, who consulted on humanitarian aid.

This woman acknowledges that the attention has improved with this initiative, because upon arriving at the day she received prompt attention and did not “waste time” to carry out her consultations. After the advice, he understood the procedure and agreed to return to make a new appointment within 20 days.

Another user who recognized the effectiveness of the strategy by telephone scheduling was Ana Lucia Rosales, who commented that on Tuesday she communicated with the numbers enabled and her appointment was assigned. She left the day happy, with her doubts resolved and, best of all, she no longer has to get up early to make the long lines before.



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