Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

The Unit for the Victims and the Land Restitution Unit articulate efforts for joint progress in integral reparation

The Unit for the Victims’ Director, Ramon Rodriguez, and his counterpart from the Land Restitution Unit, Andres Castro, held a meeting to reach specific agreements for the benefit of the conflict’s victims.

Within a coordination exercise, the directors held a meeting to review joint work possibilities to use some of the more than 1.600 assets managed by the Fund for the Victims Reparation (FRV in its Spanish acronym), this due to one of the measures of the integral reparation.

The Unit for the Victims’ Director, Ramon Rodriguez, talked about the previous days launch of the properties’ offer from the FRV, pointing out: “The platform that we are placing on the website allows us to publish the assets, this caught the attention of the Land Restitution Unit, which was one of the meeting objectives. We also wanted to evaluate some properties that were requested for land restitution which are managed by the FRV, the aim was to search the best way to regulate them and assure these assets really help out the victims’ reparation.”

The main subject were 51 real estate properties with expiration of ownership, as well as other 145 without expiration of ownership, however, there were restitution requests for both groups.

Even though the first meetings are just taking place, both entities settled this integration should be achieved through working groups, as the Land Restitution Unit’s Director said: “We want the assets that have restitution requests to be the better managed, this should be done to accomplish an integral reparation. We have reached some commitments and agreements so we can achieve this integration by working groups, in the same manner, we think that, by means of a planning exercise, these assets will be used for the victims’ reparation.”

At the end of the session, it was stated that to advance in the integral reparation, legally valid alternatives would be sought through the working groups. The meeting was also attended the Fund for the Victims Reparation’s Coordinator, Miguel Avendaño, and the work team of the Land Restitution Unit.


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