Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Victims in San José de Uré received 200 family kits

In this case, the beneficiaries are victims affected by the recent massive displacements in different rural areas of this Cordovan municipality.

In order to provide assistance to victim families affected by the recent mass displacements in the municipality of San José de Uré, the Victims Unit delivered a total of 200 family kits.

Deliveries were made in compliance with all biosafety protocols to avoid the spread of COVID-19 and the beneficiaries are people who are included in the Single Registry of Victims.

For Mareila Burgos, director of the Victims Unit in Córdoba, “we made these deliveries in conjunction with the Government of Córdoba, the Municipal Administration, the Public Ministry and Members of the Municipal Table for the Participation of Victims in order to support those two massive displacements that have occurred in the South of Córdoba. Today as a national government, as a territorial entity and as a departmental entity, we are fulfilling the victims from the municipality of San José de Uré in everything they require in emergency care for these massive displacements”.

For his part, Édgar Garcés, director of Córdoba Victims Office, indicated that “this further demonstrates that joint work that we do from the levels of our Government; Once again, I would like to thank the Unit at the territorial and national levels, and I invite you to continue working in an articulated manner”.

The packages provided by the Unit contain clothing, footwear and kitchen utensils, among other products. #LaPazEsConHechos.



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