Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Unit for Victims delivered food kits in Sucre

The activity was carried out with the accompaniment of local mayors and members of the Victims’ Participation Table.

Taking into account the health emergency that the country is experiencing due to COVID-19, the Unit for Comprehensive Attention and Reparation to Victims, Territorial Sucre, delivered food kits to the population victim of armed conflict in this department, which is in a situation of vulnerability and has not received other aid from state programs.

The victims received the aid in support of the difficult situation that most of their families go through due to the impact of preventive isolation on their economy. The families benefiting from the assistance kits are located in the municipalities of Galeras, Morroa, Ovejas, Toluviejo, San Onofre, Colosó and Sincelejo.

In this regard, Isaac Hernández, Territorial Director of the Unit, said that “humanitarian aid prioritizes non-perishable food, meets the nutritional and energy needs of the population, and meets international standards for emergency situations”.

He also assured that during the next few weeks the Unit will continue with the delivery of more aid to the victim population in other municipalities.


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