Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

The Victims Unit trains Ombudsmen, in Córdoba

With virtual workshops, the entity seeks to improve the daily processes of the ombudsmen in the region, to provide effective attention to the victims of conflict.

The Subdirectorate for Participation of the Victims Unit trained the technical secretariats of the roundtables for effective participation of victims, representatives, prosecutors and defenders, to continue strengthening processes in the incidence of public policy on victims in the department of Córdoba.

The training covered topics such as: the historical-legal context of the Participation Protocol and its basic concepts, the operation, election and installation of the tables for effective participation of victims and the closing of the tables period.

“This training led by the Unit is very important for the representatives of the department of Córdoba since they exercise the technical secretariats of the effective tables for the participation of victims. They were oriented in everything related to the Victim Participation Protocol and specifically in the election of tables, which is a very significant issue to be able to support and exercise these technical secretariats in an ideal way”, said the Unit’s territorial director, Mareila Burgos.

This type of training is of great importance for the ombudsmen and defenders who support the participation process, since it allows unifying concepts and strategies that help them effectively lead the tables for victim participation to have a favorable impact on the community.


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