Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Icontec certifies the quality of all Victims Unit processes

After the Icontec audit of all the national and territorial processes of the Victims Unit, the entity was certified with the technical standard ISO 90012015.

The Victims Unit was certified in quality in all the processes that it carries out at the national level and in the 20 territorial directions, to attend, assist and provide comprehensive reparation to the victims of armed conflict.

The certification of the quality standard ISO 9001 2015 was granted by the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards (Icontec) after conducting a complete audit in all units of the Unit. It is an international technical standard based on the Quality Management System.

“The Unit was certified in its entirety, which are 18 processes of the national level and the 20 territorial directorates. The scope of the certification is to generate a culture of quality to show that the Unit is working, not only from the management level but from its bases, to fulfill our mission, with quality, integrating information systems, assistance, payments of compensation and everything that is part of the care, assistance and integral reparation to the victims “, explained Manuel Castillo, Head of the Advisory Office of Planning of the Victims Unit.

Although the formal recognition ceremony will take place at the beginning of next year, the certification is already a fact, explained the official.

The Unit had already been certified in previous years in seven of its territorial addresses.

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