Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Children pay tribute to older adults in Popayán

Those in charge were the children of Batuta Foundation, who sang and talked with the elderly victims of armed conflict.

With songs and percussion, children of Batuta Foundation paid tribute to the elderly victims of armed conflict in an intergenerational meeting held at the Regional Center for Victims of Popayán.

This activity of the differential approach of aging and old age, sought to ensure that the elderly victims of conflict access and effectively enjoy the measures of care, assistance and comprehensive reparation contemplated in Law 1448 of 2011.

In this meeting there was interaction between children and the elderly coming from the Valle del Ortigal neighborhood. They discussed their tastes and knowledge, and there was a space for fraternity, because with hugs and songs the elderly were made aware of the importance they have in Colombian society.

At 58 years old, Nora Alicia Burbano, victim of forced displacement, attended the tribute: “It seems very nice. I had not seen something like that and this tribute distracts me, “she said.

This event was attended by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). “It is worth noting the inter-institutional work for this meeting, which benefited 40 elderly people. It was a different day for them and from the Victims Unit we will continue providing these spaces that build peace, “said Esther Julia Morantes, link of the aging and old age approach of the Unit for Victims in Cauca.

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