Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Unit for Victims and IOM delivered 255 tablets in nine schools in Santander

The beneficiary schools belong to the municipalities of Málaga, Simacota and Charalá.

The Victims Unit in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) delivered 255 tablets in nine schools in the provinces of García Rovira, Comunera and Guanentina, as a development of the initiative “ICTs as tools to promote culture of peace in school”.

“This delivery of technological tools, seeks to strengthen initiatives in the official formal educational environment, which allow to contribute to the comprehensive reparation of the victims of armed conflict”, said Olga Lucía Galvis Lesmes, Professional collective repair of the Santander Territorial Directorate.

This initiative is part of the “Bank of Initiatives for the Development of Reparation Measures for Victims of Armed Conflict” and its purpose is to advance in the integral reparation of the same, for this the Unit has created a model of management and operation of proposals led by victims of armed conflict, some collective and others individual, that contribute to integral reparation based on four lines of strengthening: Sociocultural, Socioproductive, Education for peace and Disability.

With the delivery of these technological tools, students from 9 schools located in the municipalities of Málaga, Simacota and Charalá benefited.

Benefited schools

Municipality of Málaga

  • Technical Industrial Institute Emeterio Duarte Suarez
  • Custodio García Rovira School
  • Normal Superior Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Manuel Sorzano González Polytechnic Institute
  • Nuestra Señora del Rosario School

Municipality of Simacota

  • Maria auxiliadora School, Santa Ana del Olvido Village
  • Santa Ana de Flores School, Santa Ana de Flores Village
  • La llanita School, La Llanita Village

Charalá Municipality

  • Nuestra Señora del RosarioSchool, Riachuelo township


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