Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

El Salado reconstructs its history from the repair, 20 years later

To date, this community of Montes de María subregion has received about 500 million pesos in its collective process.

In 2000, El Salado population suffered, one of the worst event in their history. A group of paramilitary groups (AUC), commanded by alias “Jorge 40” and alias “Cadena”, broke into the village killing about 60 people, between February 16 and 22.

Due to the events that took place within the framework of armed conflict, this community began its path to comprehensive reparation in 2012, as a pilot conducted by the National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation (CNRR). Since the Victim Unit was created in 2011, individual and collective reparation work with El Salado people continued.

On September 8, 2012 and after the socialization of the collective reparation program, the community agreed to enter the program. The Collective Reparation Plan was approved in October of the same year by the Territorial Committee of Transitional Justice, with 37 reparative actions framed in the measures of: Guarantees of Non-Repeat, Restitution and Satisfaction, with the participation of the community.

Some of the measures implemented that have contributed to strengthening the collective reparation were the creation of citizen oversight, creation of productive projects, legalization of land, operational and physical strengthening of the Community Action Boards, and adjustment and improvement of the electrical system, furniture, lanterns and fans of schools, among others.

The House of Culture and the reconstruction of victims’ biographical stories, as part of the satisfaction measures, allowed to improve the cultural processes of El Salado people and contributed to exalt the members of the community to overcome the social stigma.

In order to regain the trust of the community with the State and rebuild its social fabric, Entrelazando strategy is being implemented, which has been working for eight days, in a work articulated with the Promotion Committee and the group of weavers of the community to implement the Comprehensive Collective Repair Plan.

El Salado people believe that, through communication, they can change the imaginary about their rural district, that is why in a joint work with the Unit, a communications strategy is being developed, to make visible the community work carried out by the collective.

These actions carried out by the Victims Unit and with the support of different entities of the National System of Comprehensive Assistance and Reparation for Victims (SNARIV), have complied with 40.5% of the Comprehensive Collective Reparation Plan (PIRC).

To date, the Unit has made an investment of more than 480 million pesos in the Collective Repair Subject of the Community of El Salado, managing to implement four measures of Non-Repeat Guarantees, 10 Restitution and one Satisfaction.

In Returns and Relocations, El Salado people received 12 family support schemes from the Unit that benefited the same number of households.

In 2019, the Unit delivered the administrative and judicial compensation to more than 480 survivors with a figure exceeding 4,300 million pesos.




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