Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Ludirlena Pérez, victim of conflict, was proclaimed today as Cafam Woman 2019

Ludirlena Pérez Carvajal, born on December 13, 1985 in Granada, Meta, victim of armed conflict in the country for crimes against sexual integrity and forced displacement suffered in 2004, was proclaimed today as Cafam Woman 2019.

After keeping silence for many years for those terrible memories that they left in her body and in her mind, Pérez Carvajal decided to break the silence and start working for herself and for the women who have suffered this scourge, from the Association of Families Displaced from La Dorada Asofades, where he began to listen to other people, in a process that served him for his own healing.

“All this has been a personal process, it is useless to continue hating or keep alive the image of that person who hurt me, because if I cannot forgive I destroy myself, those around me and really love me, because in the desire to hate, one destroys, “says Luderlina about his case.

Through her work in the Association of Women Victims of Armed Conflict “Managing Peace”, Pérez Carvajal managed to know the feelings that invade women who have endured sexual violence in war and helped them heal their wounds, recover the illusion of living and recovering even from suicidal ideas that accompanied her for several years, reconstructing her existence in this way.

“Crying is inevitable, I am invaded by a feeling of joy in my soul and my being for this achievement, today I undressed my soul in front of you, I did not decide to be a victim of violence, the perpetrators decided for me, but at the same time I took the initiative to move forward, transform my reality and that of other women who suffered the same, “she said during the ceremony.

And she added: “My body and my mind may be marked by the horrors of war, but I chose a stable and lasting peace for myself and for all those women who accompany me in the association, who put their hearts to life, they are the true heroines in this whole process. “

In 2009 the organization “GESTIONANDO PAZ” was born, as an initiative of four women of different ages who were victims of different events of armed conflict, since its constitution it has been able to benefit more than 3,400 people with the implementation of several emotional recovery programs.

The winner received the sum of 40 million pesos and a statue that credits her with the first place, from the first lady of the Nation, María Juliana Ruiz.

Luderlina Pérez was already compensated by the Victims Unit for one of the victimizing facts and hopes to continue working with the women who accompany her, so that as they did, many more people continue to break the chain of silence and decide to move forward with your life projects.

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