Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Board of Víctimas of Meta was trained in the management of technological platforms

The Victims Unit carried out the activity in compliance with the commitment that emerged in the “Great Dialogue with the Victims” of this department.

Last July, during the “Great dialogue with victims in times of COVID-19,” which the general director of the Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez, held with the 29 members of the Table for Effective Participation of Victims of the department of Meta, remained the commitment to contribute in the learning of management of virtual platforms of the delegates of the victims.

The entity, complying with this request left by the Departmental Board, had all the tools and professionals from the Office of Information Technologies (OTI), so that a training session on the use of the platform will be held. Teams, through which the members of the Board will be able to effectively attend the different virtual meetings that they hold to guarantee the rights of the victims whom they represent.

During the conference, the territorial director of Meta and Llanos Orientales, Carlos Arturo Pardo Alezones, said that “these spaces are essential for the participation of the victims’ delegates to be effective in the work they carry out and, also, to have an approach despite the circumstances of the pandemic, allowing actions to be carried out in a virtual way and fulfilling commitments”.

For their part, the different attendees to the training provided by the Unit expressed their gratitude for expanding the knowledge they had regarding the tool, which helps them to improve communication between them and with other municipal tables and entities of the National System of Attention and Comprehensive Reparation to Victims (SNARIV).


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