Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Executive Committee of the National Table of Victims meets for the first time virtually

Territorial certification and progress in the reform of the Participation Protocol and Law 1448 of 2011, are some of the topics that will be addressed by the members of the Committee, in the session that begins this Wednesday.

The fifth Executive Committee of the National Effective Table of Victims, the first virtual, due to the contingency due to COVID-19 that the country is experiencing, will be held on June 3 and 4.

“We will be together with the Victims Unit defining a series of very important issues, after the agreement we carry out to make the meetings virtual, with all the guarantees of participation. We hope that these agreements will extend to all the territorial entities of the country”, explained Orlando Burgos, coordinator of the National Table.

In this same sense, Aura Helena Acevedo, director of Inter-institutional Management (DGI) of the Victims Unit, pronounced that “this agreement was very important to continue with the work of participation and incidence in public policy of victims of these leaders in their territories, work that must be carried out from virtual spaces, which must be used to the maximum”.

Among the topics on the agenda are the explanation of the harmonization strategy of the National Planning Department (DNP), progress in the reform of the Protocol for the Effective Participation of Victims and in Law 1448 of 2011, and territorial certification.

“The participation of municipal and departmental tables in the territorial certification process is vital for us to be guarantors of the work carried out by territorial entities for the benefit of victims. It is also very important to review the issue of table periods in the Participation Protocol”, said Orlando Burgos.

And he stressed that “we can advance in these aspects in a virtual way and generate favorable news in defense of the rights of comrades and companions victims in Colombia, until when the face-to-face meetings can be held with all the biosafety conditions”.

Previously, the communications committee of the National Victims Table met, formed with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to create a space for dialogue with municipal and departmental tables, and victims and citizens in general on the activities they carry out and the achievements they have achieved since their election.

At the moment, the National Table has a page on Facebook and Twitter with which they have reached out to 9.000 victims and, soon, they will officially launch their website.



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