Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Fair of products made by groups of victims, in Bogotá

About 20 communities, groups and organizations, which are subject to collective redress from different parts of country, participate in the fair organized by Victims Unit this Monday, December 17 in the Journalists Park. There are handicrafts, hair products, edibles made with banana, coffee or honey, among others.

In order to generate spaces at the national level to encourage the productive projects of survivors groups of the armed conflict, the Victims Unit holds a product fair on December 17 in the Journalists Park of Bogotá.

“These spaces are very important for us, as they allow us to publicize the various products we produce in our territories, as well as share experiences with other communities about the way they make their products,” says Julieta Echeverri, a member of the community of El Tres, Urabá Antioqueño.

Throughout the day, visitors to the fair can learn about the productive initiatives that the groups have strengthened and developed during the repair process. This fair is also a door for groups to establish social and commercial links with other subjects of collective reparation, allowing their products to be potentiated.

Juanita Ibañez Santamaría, Deputy Director of Collective Repair of Victims Unit, says that “in the development of this process, communities, groups and organizations continue to demonstrate their creativity, ingenuity and the ways they find to make quality products, done with their hands and collaboratively. It is here where we believe that the contribution made by the Unit contributes to rebuild the social fabric and strengthen the organizational capacities of groups”.

Some of the products that can be found during this fair are crafts in different materials, derived from bananas, coffee, honey, cocoa, arequipe, grapes, hair care products, among others.

“For us, as a Unit for Victims, these activities allow us to show how important the collective reparation program has been for communities, groups and organizations,” concluded Deputy Director Ibañez.

Agenda – Product Fair / December 17

  • 8:30 a.m. Arrival of exhibitors and visitors to the fair
  • 9:30 a.m. Opening of the fair
  • 10:00 a.m. Opening words
  • 10:30 a.m. Opening cultural event
  • 12:00 m. Cultural event
  • 5:30 pm. Closing cultural event
  • 6:30 pm. Closing of the product fair

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