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Compensation and fabrics to meet life goals in Girón

With 46 letters of compensation and 70 rolls of cloth delivered in this municipality of Santander, the Unit continues to benefit the victims of conflict who seek to start projects that generate their own income.

The Victims Unit, headed by the general director, Ramón Rodríguez Andrade, delivered in Girón, a municipality in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga, 46 letters of compensation to the victim population over 74 years of age or with disabilities, and 70 rolls of cloth for women with clothing projects. The compensation letters contemplate an amount of 256 million pesos and are added to the more than 1.300 that have been delivered to victims of conflict in Santander during the month of October.

“We are complying with the care and assistance and reparation to the victims of armed conflict in the territory. The Victims Unit does not stop, in the framework of COVID-19 we have delivered administrative compensation throughout the country. The donations of the fabrics articulated together with the DIAN and are part of the work of the State entities to repair the victims of conflict”, indicated Rodríguez.

“I thank the Unit because today I can move forward with the delivery of my compensation, I want to leave an inheritance to my children with the creation of a business that I will be able to build thanks to this help that they are giving me”, said Oscar Moreno, victim of forced displacement residing in Girón.

Pura Ortiz, a member of the Girón victims participation table, and who has a productive project in garments thanked the Unit for the delivery of the textile materials: “The victims who are dedicated to garments, thank the Unit for help us with these fabrics, with this we can strengthen our projects and create our own resources in these times of pandemic”.

The entity will continue with the process of notification of letters of compensation in the municipalities of the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga and San Gil. In turn, it will deliver materials for preparation in various municipalities of the department.



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El Observatorio de Desplazamiento Interno (IDMC, por sus siglas en inglés) ...

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