Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Table of victims of Galán (Santander) received training

The guidance provided by the Victims Unit was on issues of participation and tools to ensure that the management for their rights does not stop in the middle of the pandemic.

The Victims Unit conducted virtual accompaniment and training to members of the Table for the Effective Participation of Victims of the municipality of Galán, Santander. The conference was convened by the municipal Ombudsman with the purpose of optimizing the actions of the members through this space for dialogue in favor of the victims of conflict in this territory.

Professionals from the Unit in this territory explained to the attendees, the structure of the Public Policy for Victims (PPV), the components of the reparation process, the duties and rights as representatives of the victims, elections, reparation route, current balance in matters of financial compensation in Santander, current offer regarding the implementation of productive projects and training processes.

“Thank you very much for the training, in these distant municipalities we are a bit left on the issue of tables, it was very useful, they informed us that the compensation route has 12 steps and we did not know them, I took careful note to give information to the comrades”, said Ángel María Bautista, coordinator of Galán Victims’ Table.

The day was developed in compliance with the protocols for physical distancing and use of masks required in the midst of the COVID-19 emergency, and aims to refresh the necessary knowledge of the members, to exercise effective influence as a guarantee of their rights from the local scene.


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