Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

This Wednesday, Arauca Victims Participation Table reports

In an accountability exercise, survivors of armed conflict prepare the final document that they will present at the Arauca Departmental Assembly site.

Greater commitment to the public policy of victims will ask the survivors of armed conflict to the candidates for positions of popular election in the east of the country.

Based on the actions and efforts carried out in the 2017-2019 period, the members of Arauca Victims Participation Board will present and socialize the successes and achievements obtained during the term.

Likewise, they will demonstrate the failures registered around their management in the middle of the armed conflict in this department where there are violations of Human Rights and violation of International Humanitarian Law by groups outside the law.

Those affected by the violence will also expose the early warnings that are recorded in some Arauca communities that generate risk and threats such as homicides and disappearances.

“What we are going to present tomorrow is a diagnosis, a report of what we have done, what we need to do and what we need within the commitment of public policy, we hope and we need a commitment from the new rulers”, said Nini Cardozo, Bureau coordinator.

The territorial director of the Victims Unit in Norte de Santander and Arauca, Alicia María Rojas Pérez, highlighted the importance of this participation mechanism: “This kind of exercise is very important in the framework of the process of reparation and integral attention to victims, we continue to attend and listen to the needs of this population that today is a fundamental part in building the peace of our country. “

The accountability activity will be held on Wednesday, July 31 at the Arauca Assembly site.


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