Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Unit inaugurated community house in Quibdó

International cooperation, led by UNHCR and Koika, and the coordination of the Unit for Victims allowed the construction of this space aimed especially at victims of forced displacement. Its construction is part of the Consolidando la Paz project in Colombia, for which an investment of five million dollars has been made.

Within the framework of the project “Consolidating peace in Colombia through durable solutions for victims of forced displacement in informal settlements”, which has been carrying out tasks since 2018, in the department of Chocó, the Community House Building was inaugurated last weekend. Future, in the neighborhood La Victoria 2, in Quibdó.

This construction, mainly due to the investment of the International Cooperation headed by UNHCR and KOIKA, coordinated by the Victims Unit, through the Subdirección Nación Territorio, is aimed at timely addressing the needs of the victims of forced displacement.

This inauguration is intended to reach at least five municipalities of Chocó and provide an inter-institutional response in what corresponds to the restoration of rights from an adequate, effective and dignified process in terms of reparation to the victims of forced displacement.

“This project that has been developed jointly and these experiences are what will allow us to strengthen the public policy that is aimed at addressing and mitigating the impact of conflict and to repair the damage that was caused”, says Deputy Director General Viviana Ferro refer to the importance that the Community Building Building Future will have in this Pacific region.

For the project “Consolidating Peace in Colombia” an investment of more than five million dollars has been made in the country.

During the day of building delivery a balance of activities and impacts generated to date and the projection of work and investment 2019-2020 was made in this department.


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