More than $ 390 million in compensation have been delivered this year in Urabá

In this territory the second installment was made in the year, in which 35 survivors were compensated with resources that surpass $ 313 million, for different victimizing facts.

In the administrative headquarters of Urabá-Darién Territorial Victims Unit, the award ceremony was carried out to 35 survivors of armed conflict, with the presence of Elizabeth Granada Ríos, director of the entity in this region, who reminded the beneficiaries that the repair goes beyond the delivery of a resource.

“A percentage of victims is unaware of the other measures of reparation contemplated in Law 1448 of 2011, including satisfaction, rehabilitation, restitution, guarantees of non-repetition; Many of those in this room, I am sure, have received psychosocial support, financial education workshops that guided on the good use of this resource they receive today, “said the official, while interacting with those present.

The resource delivered on this occasion, amounts to $ 313,375,384 million, adding, with the first day, $ 392,079,890 for survivors living in the municipalities of Arboletes, Necoclí, Turbo, Apartadó, Chigorodó, Mutatá and in the town of Riosucio, who will make the resource effective in the banking entity of the respective municipality.

Behind every survivor who receives the compensation, there is a painful history, but also of healing and overcoming, as Fernando Jaramillo, Jiménez *, survivor of 60 years, with sexual orientation and diverse gender identity, victim of crimes against freedom and sexual integrity in the context of armed conflict.

Although this type of events are not yet counted by many, Jaime understood over the years that to undertake the healing of his wounds it was necessary to break the silence. “Unity has been a balsam, an opportunity to learn, to heal. I am very grateful for this compensation, it is a relief, we are going to move forward, thank you very much, this is a change for me, which I already had inside,” he says.

At 60, he talks naturally about his sexual orientation and tells his life story as the bravest of the survivors. However, it has cost him to recover from that fact that marked his life and that led him sometimes, even, not wanting to live. “My life has changed. I am part of the Victims Bureau with diverse sexual orientation in the sub-region of Urabá. I thank the Unit for taking us into account as an LGBTI population, for complying with the law in this region, “says Jaramillo.

Today sees in the compensation the possibility of realizing his dreams: “This comes at the time I needed it most, I’m just overcoming a family calamity that I had in December, this is a relief to solve some needs I have,” he adds.

For his part, Harry Garcés, 74, and with important leadership work done when he was part of the Bureau of Victims of Arboletes, recognizes that receiving this compensation is important to him, “he gives a message of the importance of passing the assistance to inclusion, “he says.

“I intend to improve my quality of life in order to continue working for the other victims of armed conflict. I must thank the officials of Unit who have contributed to making this a reality. It is necessary to emphasize the progress that we as victims must have, not to depend only on this resource, also on our means for a true improvement, “said Harry.

The sub-region, Urabá Darién, is made up of 10 municipalities in Antioquia and 4 in the Darién of Chocó. There, 417,448 victims of armed conflict were registered, in which the Unit has invested in indemnities, up to 2018, around $ 35,000 million.

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La Unidad para las Víctimas, cumpliendo con el compromiso de reparación ...

El Resguardo Ampuile o Ambaló, ubicado en el municipio de Silvia, Cauca, resguardo ha sido víctima de todos los tipos de violencia, donde actores armados han desarmonizado su territorio con incursiones y hostigamientos.