With the purpose of consolidating itself as an entity capable of articulating and managing high impact sustainable alliances, the Unit for Comprehensive Assistance and Reparation for Victims leads and promotes the supply and demand of programs and projects, through international cooperation and the private sector, to contribute with the integral reparation of victims, through social inclusion and peace. For this purpose, an ad hoc office has been created in order to execute all the initiatives and resources related to cooperation entities and public-private partnerships. In this way, cooperation plays a fundamental role in facing challenges jointly, as well as formulating the route and the appropriate plans to contribute to the integral reparation of victims in a sustainable and inclusive manner. As part of its commitment to the Victims and Land Restitution Law (Law 1448), signed in June 2011, the Colombian Government allocated 54.9 billion pesos as of 2021 for the implementation of humanitarian aid measures, attention, assistance and integral reparation to which victims are entitled. To fulfill its mandate, the Victims Unit coordinates the National System for Comprehensive Attention and Reparation for Victims (SNARIV). It also has the contributions of international donors and public-private entities. This collaboration is extremely important for the development and execution of collective and individual reparations. The objectives of the Victims Unit partnership with stakeholders for international cooperation and public-private partnerships are: Position the implementation of the Victims Law, for inclusion and social reconciliation in the private and international agenda. Manage coalitions to administratively strengthen processes, plans, programs and projects of integral reparation. Orient the resources received to meet the needs in individual repairs, collective repairs and satisfaction measures. Coordinate and guide the process of improvement of victim’s attention service centers. Support the procurement of resources from the Reparations Fund. Comply with the requirement of Article 33, on participation of civil society and private enterprise.