Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Restitution Measures

What are they?

The restitution measures are those that seek to return the victim to the state prior to the victimizing event. They include the material dimension of integral reparation and can be constituted in financial measures in the restitution of credits and liabilities, coordinated by the Accompaniment Program; in housing restitution by the Ministry of Housing and the Ministry of Agriculture; land restitution, coordinated by the Land Restitution Unit; the restitution of skills for employment, in coordination with the Ministry of Labor and; the process of Returns and Relocations, in charge of the Unit for Victims.

What is Return and Relocation?

The Victim of Forced Displacement population has the right to return or relocate under conditions of voluntariness, security, dignity and sustainability; the process of return or relocation is part of the Restitution measures and seeks to contribute to the socioeconomic stabilization of the home, improvement and consolidation of their life project, the overcoming of the vulnerability situation and the reconstruction of their community social network, through three accompaniment scenarios:

Return: is the process by which the person or victim of forced displacement decides to return to the place from which he/she was displaced, in order to settle for good.

Relocation: is the process by which the person or victim of forced displacement decides to settle in a different place from the one they were forced to leave. Local Integration (Relocation in the reception area): this is the process by which the person or victim of forced displacement decides to settle definitively in the current place of residence.


Process of accompaniment to return, relocation or local integration  








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