Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Participation of Victims

Participation is a right that victims have to make their proposals known in the implementation and monitoring of Victims Law and influence the definition of public policies that act in their benefit.

The Victims Unit provides technical support to the Tables of Effective Participation of Victims that operate at the municipal, departmental and national levels, so that these scenarios operate in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol of Effective Participation of Victims issued through Resolution 388 of 2013.

It is aimed at victims organized through its Victims ‘Organizations (OV), the unorganized victims, the Victims’ Rights Defenders Organizations (ODV) and the Tables of Effective Victim Participation at all territorial levels.

In order for the VOs and ODVs to be part of the Participation Tables, they must register with the Public Ministry, at the municipal level in the ombudsman office and at the departmental level in the Regional Ombudsman’s Office, during the first quarter of each year. The Participation Tables meet ordinarily 4 times a year, according to the provisions of the Protocol of Effective Participation.

The Sub-direction of Participation has advisors in charge of supporting the departments and work in coordination with the Participation Links of the Territorial Directorates of the entity, to advise both the OV, the ODV and to advise and resolve concerns to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, to the civil society, territorial entities and victims not organized.

You must go to the Territorial Directorates and the Participation Sub directorate or make your inquiries through the e-mail provided for that purpose
Telephone service lines: (57 1) 7965150.

Keep in mind:

These procedures must be advanced directly with the official of the Victims Unit, they are free and for no reason should go to intermediaries. Avoid being a victim of fraud. Regulations: Law 1448 of 2011 “Whereby measures of assistance, assistance and integral reparation are issued to the victims of the internal armed conflict and other provisions are issued.”

For more information, see the Participation section on our page.  








¡Que no le echen cuentos!

Radique de manera ágil cualquier irregularidad



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