Subdirectorate of Prevention and Emergency Attention

What does it do?

With the issuance of Law 1448 of 2011 “Victims and Land Restitution Law” and Decree 4802 of 2011 “establishing the structure of the Special Administrative Unit for Attention and Reparation for Victims”, the Subdirectorate of Prevention and Attention of Emergencies -SPAE- was created with the following competences:

In Prevention affairs:

  • Coordinates corresponding actions to identify and prevent risk sources, their magnitude, imminence and the capababilities of local authorities to activate a comprehensive response in the framework of Law 1448 of 2011.

  • Designs the methodology for preparing contingency plans for emergencies encountered within the framework of the internal armed conflict.

  • Advises and accompanies the territorial authorities in their adoption and implementation.

  • In Attention Affairs:

  • Along with the competent entities, implements actions to provide timely and comprehensive assistance ; follows up on humanitarian emergencies, mass displacements and terrorist attacks within the framework of Law 1448 of 2011.

  • In Assistance affairs:

  • Provides humanitarian aid in the terms established in articles 47 and 63 of Law 1448 of 2011 and other regulations, in coordination with the other competent authorities (…) “. Article 19, Decree 4802 of 2011.

  • How is this done?

    SPAE Presentation

    Produces information to identify victimizing actions or possible victimization scenarios. This information warns territorial and national authorities about the occurrence of victimizing acts, and activates a response from the competent entities.

  • Daily Events Log. It is a daily monitoring system of events related to violence dynamics that result in an exercise of verification and territory monitoring.

  • Monitoring reports on Humanitarian Emergencies. This is a qualitative monthly monitoring system of emergencies and inmediate coordination.

  • Index analysis and Geo-statistics of threats for médium term vulnerabilities that allows proposals of preventive focus points for victims´assistance.

  • Provides Technical Assistance to Municipalities, Districts and Departments.

    For the formulation and implementation of Contingency Plans in the attention of humanitarian emergencies framework.

    Methodological guide for PC: Systematization of significant experiences

    In regards to immediate humanitarian affairs and assistance: Its purpose is to guide municipalities and districts towards institutional strengthening from the construction of tools that will be useful for the municipality during planning , delivery and process monitoring. This assistance is based on the accompaniment of municipalities and districts in transversal issues that aim to strengthen the delivery of immediate humanitarian aid. Among these topics are planning, coordination, articulation with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, time, delivery criteria, vulnerability assessment, identification of needs, monitoring, accompaniment, and recording of information.

  • Web guide
  • Web supplies Management
  • Video: Immediate Humanitarian Help and Assistance
  • Technical Study 2013
  • Technical Study 2014
  • Technical Study 2015

  • Participation in Coordination scenarios for prevention response

    Protection and immediate attention of humanitarian emergencies is carried out through the Inter-Sectorial Commission of Early Warning (CIAT), the Committee for the Evaluation and Recommendation of Measures (CERREM), Preliminary Assessment Group (GVP), The Intersectorial Commission for Recruitment prevention, Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (CIPRUNNA), the Subcommittee on Prevention, Protection and Guarantees of Non-Repetition of the SNARIV, as well as the Territorial Transitional Justice Committees , along with territorial entities that are part of the SNARIV.

    Likewise, there is a constant coordination with international organizations and non-governmental agencies to implement efforts in regards to prevention and immediate attention of humanitarian emergencies.

    Within this framework, SPAE participation consists of: i) warnings about the risks of human rights violations and infractions of IHL that may affect the civilian population; ii) promoting the adoption of actions to prevent forced displacement and other victimizing acts, as well as the protection of the civilian population by competent entities; and, iii) generating responses to humanitarian emergencies in urgent prevention scenarios.

    Provides subsidiary support in immediate humanitarian assistance: According to Resolution 00271 of 2014; The Unit for Victims assistance regulates the mechanisms, criteria, requirements and procedures under a municipality and district scope; in application of the subsidiarity principle when facing immediate humanitarian assistance for armed conflict victims.

  • Subsidiary support is made through 4 mechanisms: mechanisms in amounts of money, periodic mechanisms in kind, mechanisms in kind per event and social community infrastructure strategies.

  • In the first two mechanisms (mechanism in cash and in periodic payments in kind), a technical study is taken into account, where the territorial entities in charge of the fiscal, technical and administrative capacity to assist the victims are identified. Focal territorial entities can access subsidiary support for immediate humanitarian assistance with the possibility to choose between amounts of money or in periodic kind payments. The third and fourth mechanism is accessible in the entire national territory, as long as the municipalities and districts comply with the conditions and corresponding requirements.

  • In the case of the social and community infrastructure strategy: this mechanism is based on complementarity and subsidiarity principles, supporting the territorial entities through the physical supply of construction materials and / or furniture for the execution of social and community infrastructure projects.

  • It carries out Humanitarian Missions in the national territory; developing actions in the framework of coordination, emergencies attention, prevention among others. It refers to the transfer of delegates of this Subdirectorate in the national territory with the objective of presenting, coordinating and mobilizing the offer related to the attention of humanitarian emergencies, participation in coordination scenarios, accompaniment and advice in Contingency Plans and mobilization of subsidiary support in immediate humanitarian assistance. Delivery of humanitarian aid for events other than forced displacement: it carries out the study of the cases included in the Victims’ Unique Registry for victimizing actions other than forced displacement, and develops the pertinent procedure to carry out the delivery of humanitarian aid corresponding to two mínimum wage payments. According to the requirements established by resolution 2349 of 2012. This is how the aid delivery is approved, it is placed through a third party (Banking operator) in the closest location to the recipient´s residence ; In addition, telephone management is carried out to inform the beneficiary about the availability of this aid. It is important to clarify that this assistance is also processed when there is a direct request from the victims through the Unit’s lines or points of attention.

    Resolution 2349 of 2012 – circular  


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