Subdirectorate of Assistance and Humanitarian Attention

The Subdirectorate of Assistance and Humanitarian Attention develops face-to-face, telephone and virtual actions based on the national policy of assistance and assistance to victims. These actions are oriented to the management of strategies that provide an efficient and timely access of the victim population to the different measures contemplated in Law 1448 of 2011.

How does it do it?

Regarding Attention:

Attention via telephone and virtual attention line:

The Victims Unit, through the Sub-Directorate of Assistance and Humanitarian Attention (SAAH), implements the “Telephone and Virtual Channel”, whose objective is the interaction of the citizenship with the Entity. Likewise, this channel provides its services to the victim and non-victim population within the framework of Law 1448 of 2011, the control bodies, and entities and institutions of the national and territorial order, so that they are oriented on different issues concerning the application of the Victims Law. In addition, applications related to the single registry of victims are processed.

Through the telephone and virtual channel it is possible to attend under the framework of integral quality. This seeks an excellent service, in accordance with the citizen service policy, the appropriate use of information and communication technologies, the use of integrated communication channels that facilitate a dynamic relationship with citizens, the strengthening of citizen consultation of the processes with a view to the population that needs information online, and the procedures for measuring satisfaction and perception of the Entity’s services. In this sense, a culture of care based on warmth, quality and opportunity is strengthened, with attention 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The telephone lines of attention in Bogota: 4261111 and toll-free National: 018000911119. These lines have additional services such as:

  • Virtual Hold. It is a system that has the purpose of informing the citizen of the time in which he / she will be attended, of keeping his / her turn on the line and once a counselor is available for his / her attention, he / she will return the call without any additional cost.

  • Voicemail. It is a service in which the citizen can leave your request and personal data recorded when you do not want to wait on the telephone line to be attended, in order for the Entity to resolve your request and inform you of the response through text message or phone call.

  • Telephone code. This option allows you to perform self-consultations, such as, status in the registry, humanitarian assistance shift and placement of drafts; without the need to wait for a counselor to answer the call.

  • Fax Server. This service allows the reception of documents via fax associated with the requests that require it. To access the service, option 8 must be marked on the telephone lines. In addition, the email was enabled for the reception of media to update names and surnames, type or number of document or date of birth.

  • Virtual strategies

    In order to guarantee greater attention and guidance to the entire victim population, new interaction strategies have been designed that seek to expand service coverage and enable greater participation of people. These strategies are interactive chat and video call, which can be accessed from the official page of the Unit for Integral Attention and Reparation for Victims Hours of operation: 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday.

    Other services

    From the telephone and virtual channel, new services have been implemented to bring the Unit closer to the victims, in order to broaden the accompaniment to the different procedures and requirements. These services are:

  • SMS. By sending text messages to the victims who report a personal cell phone number, the Victims Unit informs the result or the status of the requested procedures.

  • SMS CHAT. Through this strategy, through different text messages, different consultations of the victims are resolved. Similarly, it applies to citizens who have a personal cell phone number. To use this service it is not necessary to have a minute plan or have a load of minutes. The procedure for this service is to send a text message with the query, plus the identity document number to the code 85777. This service does not generate any charge.

  • Virtual attention point. It is a virtual space that allows after a registration process (user and password) to make queries or process requests from Colombia or abroad.

  • Virtual kiosks. It is a service that allows citizens, without the need for intermediaries, to make queries, file written requests and access the different procedures using the integrated video call service.

  • It is important to remember that all the procedures advanced before the Unit for Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims are free; therefore, it does not require traders.

    Face-to-face Attention Line

    In this channel the strategies that support the institutional response capacity of Victims Unit in relation to the Integral Route are defined. It is developed by the counselor and is aimed at the entire population victim of armed conflict and other citizens; in the same way, for public and private entities that attend the days and times established in the service points, regional centers and complementary strategies.

    This channel is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the execution of transversal care and orientation in the points of attention, regional centers and complementary strategies. It includes specific actions such as the leadership of the process; conceptual and operational verification; the service days and service fairs; the follow-up to points of attention, and the attention and follow-up to special cases through the institutional mail of the Sub-Directorate of Assistance and Humanitarian Attention.

    In matter of Assistance:

    Assistance and Integral Route:

    The line of action of Assistance and Integral Route is entrusted of the implementation, articulation and monitoring of the Integral Route. These actions are developed from the schemes: face-to-face (points of service, regional centers, days and fairs of services) and not face-to-face. Its actions are articulated with other areas of the Unit to define the routes and procedures that contribute to the adequate and timely development of the Integral Route.

    Humanitarian Aid and Assistance Line:

    From here the mechanisms and strategies necessary to guarantee the delivery are designed and implemented. of humanitarian assistance, in accordance with current legal provisions, knowing the current situation of displaced families and identifying their level of vulnerability through the measurement of their living conditions. In the same way, it is the line of action responsible for the implementation of the new criteria for the delivery of Humanitarian Attention, based on the identification of deficiencies in the housing and food components.

    Action Line of Approaches and Assistance Measures:

    Follows, in interaction with the Inter-institutional Management Directorate, administrative requests for assistance measures for individuals, groups or communities in vulnerable situations, through the channels (face-to-face, telephone and virtual) arranged by the Unit for the Victims In turn, it develops the execution of the operation model with ethnic, differential and gender focus.

    The administrative requests are referrals made by the Sub-Directorate of Assistance and Humanitarian Assistance to SNARIV entities, which coordinate the institutional offer in matters of food, family reunification, education, identification, military notebook, health and psychosocial care, and funeral assistance.

    Delivery of corpses

    Through agreements signed by the Unit for Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims, the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation and a Foundation, the actions for the delivery of bodies to the families of victims of displacement and homicide are determined. The Focus and Assistance Measures Group follows up on the contract and operates the agreement, coordinates with the Unit’s psychosocial care team the emotional recovery processes of the family members and supports the Office of the Prosecutor in the delivery of corpses.

    Support Team for the Process of Requests for Humanitarian Assistance:

    This is the team in charge of sending to the banking operator the payments made by the Unit for Attention and Reparation to Victims for humanitarian assistance, which include:

  • Humanitarian Attention for victims of forced displacement.
  • Humanitarian Aid for victims of events other than forced displacement
  • Immediate help within the framework of the agreements that under the principle of subsidiarity the Unit has established with some territorial entities
  • Support in the processes of return and relocation.

  • How does it do it?

    Carries out funeral assistance measure described in circular 001 as of support that family members of victims who do not have the financial resources to cover funeral expenses in the event of the death of their family members are offered family members can access it through the Unit’s care channels (face-to-face, telephone) and virtual) in order to verify that they are included in the RUV, and thus articulate with the territorial entities (mayors, governors) the support they can provide.  


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