Register Vice-directorate

Is the area in charge of managing and updating the Unique Register of Victims, following the security, integrity, confidentiality and availability of the information given by the victims. It is extremely important function for the implementation of the policy on Victims’ Attention and Comprehensive Reparation, because the inclusion of the victims in this register is the entrance to reach the assistance and reparation measures established by law.

The RUV is also the backbone of the other information systems that concur in the SNARIV (National System for the Victims Assistance and Reparation, in Spanish). The availability of its information to other entities will allow the access of the victims to the State offer.  


Don't tell stories!

Radique de manera ágil cualquier irregularidad


Satisfaction survey

Su opinión es muy importante para mejorar nuestros servicios a nivel nacional



Es el Sistema Único de Información Normativa del Estado colombiano


Cobro Coactivo

Facultad Especial de la Administración que le permite cobrar por sí misma los créditos a su favor