Petitions, complaints, claims and suggestions

In this space you can file requests, complaints, claims and suggestions on the issues of competence of the Unit for Victims. Be sure to leave the necessary information to provide you with a timely response. Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Before filing, review the meaning of each type of application:

  • Consulta. Request by means of which it is sought to submit to the consideration of the entity aspects in relation to the matters under its responsibility. The concepts that are issued in response to the consultation do not compromise the responsibility of the entity, nor are they mandatory to comply with or execute, and they lack binding force.
  • Queja. It is the manifestation of protest, censorship, discontent or disagreement that a citizen formulates in relation to the allegedly irregular conduct carried out by one or more public servants in the performance of their duties.
  • Reclamo. It is the manifestation by which the authorities are informed of the unjustified suspension or the deficient provision of a service.
  • Solicitud de información. La hace un ciudadano(a) con el propósito de indagar sobre un hecho, acto o situación administrativa que corresponde a la naturaleza y finalidad de la entidad.
  • Sugerencia: It is a recommendation, advice or proposal made by a citizen for the improvement of the entity's services.

En cumplimiento del Decreto 1081 de 2015, que reglamenta parcialmente la Ley 1712 de 2014, en la Unidad para las Víctimas, la reproducción de la información pública para solicitudes de entidades y/o particulares NO TIENE COSTO Y NO REQUIERE INTERMEDIARIOS.

El área encargada de atender las peticiones, quejas, reclamos y sugerencias es el Grupo de Servicio al Ciudadano, el cual puede contactar escribiendo al correo  o diligenciado el siguiente formulario:

Para más información sobre el trámite de derechos de petición, quejas, reclamos y sugerencias, consulte este documento: INSTRUCTIVO PARA EL DILIGENCIAMIENTO DEL FORMULARIO WEB – PETICIONES, QUEJAS, RECLAMOS Y DENUNCIAS.