News and Updates

Analyze requests for modifications in the Single Victim Registry and decide on its application or not.

Evaluates requests for News and / or Updates of information of the victim population registered in the Victims Unique Registry, and determines, once analyzed its viability, the application of them in the information system.

Next, the modifications or innovations that are managed from this procedure are related:

  • Clarification of kinship of the family group
  • Update of contact data
  • Disability Update
  • Contribution of additional documentation for the evaluation
  • Change of head of household
  • Conformation family group (massive)
  • Correction of names and / or surnames
  • Correction or update of Type and / or Document number
  • Family nucleus division
  • Inclusion of the Elderly
  • Inclusion of children and adolescents
  • Modification or Update of the Sex Component
  • Reunification of the home
  • Other (Any other that is not mentioned in the previous ones.)

  • Formalities


    Don't tell stories!

    Radique de manera ágil cualquier irregularidad


    Satisfaction survey

    Su opinión es muy importante para mejorar nuestros servicios a nivel nacional


    Normativa SUIN JURISCOL

    Es el Sistema Único de Información Normativa del Estado colombiano


    Cobro Coactivo

    Facultad Especial de la Administración que le permite cobrar por sí misma los créditos a su favor