Individual Return and Relocation Route

Article 28 of Law 1448 of 2011 establishes the essential rights of victims of armed conflict, which act as guiding criteria for the construction of a public policy of integral reparation that guarantees the consolidation of decent living conditions for its beneficiaries. One of the rights contemplated in this normative framework is the “Right to return to its place of origin or to relocate under conditions of voluntariness, security and dignity, within the framework of national security policy”.

By virtue of the above it is possible to observe that the public policy of integral reparation directed to victims of forced displacement considers as one of its fundamental strategies the implementation of processes of return to the place of origin and / or relocation to other areas of the national territory where there are support networks; This measure of reparation seeks to facilitate the overcoming of the condition of vulnerability and guarantee the socioeconomic stabilization of each household.

These processes of return or family relocation accompanied by the Unit for Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims must comply with three (3) principles or requirements, which ensure its execution and sustainability:

  • Voluntariness: is the act by which the person freely expresses his decision to return or relocate with full knowledge of the conditions in which the place of destination is located.

  • Security: these are the conditions that must be met by the place to which people request relocation or return and that guarantee their physical integrity, as well as the property and the necessary ways of life that promote socioeconomic integration and stabilization.

  • Dignity: implies the restitution of violated rights, ensuring effective access to plans, programs and projects aimed at the comprehensive care of victims, in order to contribute to the effective enjoyment of rights.

  • What is processed or what service is provided?

    The accompaniment by the SNARIV is processed to individual and family returns and relocation processes, understood as reparation measures for victims of forced displacement. The integral reparation directed to the victims of forced displacement considers as one of its fundamental strategies the implementation of processes of return to the place of origin (same property) and / or relocation to other zones of national territory where there are support networks; This measure of reparation seeks to facilitate the overcoming of the condition of vulnerability and guarantee the socioeconomic stabilization of each household.

    Who is it for?

    Population Victim of forced displacement

    When is made?

    The population victim of forced displacement can access the return and relocation route voluntarily, at any time of displacement, as long as it is included in the registry and has not previously processed the Return and Relocation process.

    How is the service processed or provided?

  • General orientation on the process of return or relocation: Consists in receiving clear and pertinent information about the scope of the program, benefits, strategies of attention and procedures. At this stage the applicant is able to make an autonomous and informed decision about the return or relocation, taking into account the most appropriate option for the reconstruction of life project.

  • Verification of safety and dignity principles: The professional responsible for the case requires a security concept to the competent authorities and validates the institutional offer of the receiving municipality, in order to prevent the occurrence of new victimizing events and ensure effective access of the victims. applicants to the different programs and comprehensive care plans. Once it is confirmed that there are conditions of security and dignity, a voluntary act is signed and the process of accompanying the return or relocation by the UARIV is approved.

  • Programming of complementary resources: during this stage the request for complementary resources is made to support the transport and transfer of household belongings, which amounts to an amount of up to 1.5 legal monthly minimum wages in force and is assigned only once to each beneficiary family group included in the Single Victim Registry (RUV), in accordance with the provisions of article 120 of Decree 4800 of 2011.

  • Construction plan return or relocation: once the household is transferred to the receiving municipality, the return and relocation professional should be contacted, who will make a comprehensive diagnosis about the current living conditions of the household. Likewise, it will be able to request the prioritized humanitarian aid for the returned and relocated population, in case of not having overcome the basic minimum deficiencies.

  • Integration of institutional offer and follow-up to: the professional of returns and relocations requests immediate access or transfer to the programs that make up the actions of the institutional offer and carries out a periodic follow-up of each case.

  • Where is the service processed or provided?

    Attention points of the Victims Unit in all the capital cities of the country, in the established schedules and offices of the Public Ministry.

    Keep in mind:

    The procedure of the accompanying route is free of charge and is attended directly by the Individual Return and Relocation links without any kind of additional requirement.

    If you require additional information, contact the telephone service lines of the Unit in Bogotá 4261111 and toll-free National 018000911119.

    Article 66 Law 1448 of 2011. Victims and Land Restitution Law “by which measures of attention, assistance and integral reparation are issued to the victims of internal armed conflict and other provisions are dictated”.

    Chapter II Decree 4800 of 2011 – By which Law 1448 of 2011 is regulated and other dispositions are dictated.

    Maximum response time:

    2 months



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