The term “people” refers to social groups that, even if in the majority of the cases consider themselves as part of a nation, they don’t see a homogeneous national identity but a diverse one, in which differentiated identities build and feel differently about their national belonging.
The characteristics for the identification of the indigenous people in Colombia are:
Longstanding permanence, long before the arrival of the conquerors and since immemorial times. In this point, they differentiate from black, afrocolombian, raizal, Palenque and Rom communities.
Self-identification as indigenous people: establishes the sense of belonging of the person. An individual is considered indigenous if he does it himself and if he is recognized as such by the community.
Social reproduction of lifestyles preserving traditions, habits and practices, which coexist with diverse and contemporary contexts, a sign of the syncretism with other cultures. The cultural identity is dynamic.
Comprehensive Reparation for Indigenous People – Humanitarian Attention Embera Version
Comprehensive Reparation for Indigenous People – Participation and Route of Attention Embera Version
Integral Reparation for Indigenous People – Protective Measures Embera Version
Integral Reparation for Indigenous People – Comprehensive Reparation Embera Version
Integral Reparation for Indigenous People – Decree Law 4633 Embera Version
Comprehensive Reparation for Indigenous People – Decree Law 4633 of 2011 Tukano Version
Integral Reparation for Indigenous People – Integral Repair Tukano Version
Comprehensive Reparation for Indigenous People – Participation and Route of Attention Tukano Version
Comprehensive Reparation for Indigenous People – Humanitarian Attention Tukano Version
Comprehensive Reparation for Indigenous People- – Protection Measures Tukano Version
Comprehensive Reparation for Indigenous People – Protective Measures Sikuani Version
Comprehensive Reparation for Indigenous People – Integral Repair Sikuani Version
Comprehensive Reparation for Indigenous People – Decree Law 4633 of 2011 Sikuani Version
Comprehensive Reparation for Indigenous People – Participation and Route of Attention Sikuani Version