Ethnic Affairs


  • To coordinate, jointly with the interinstitutional management directorate, in a systemic, organized, coherent and harmonious way, the actions of the entities being part of the National System for the Comprehensive Assistance and Reparation of the Victims.
  • To coordinate within the Unit the concerted assistance and reparation measures for ethnic groups, aiming to achieve the respect of habits and practices, as well as the collective rights, taking into account the differential approach.
  • To draw the strategy looking to promote the dialogue, participation and respect of the rights resulting from the ethnic and cultural diversity in the framework of the Unit’s objective.
  • To assess and support the areas of the Victims Unit in integrating and applying the differential ethnic approach in the comprehensive assistance and reparation for the victims.
  • To draw the strategies and to assess the Director General in the concerted design of policies assuring the effective joy of ethnic groups’ rights, outlined in the Political Constitution, in the 1448/2011 Law and other legislations.
  • To establish the methodology which could boost the participation of ethnic groups in plans, programs and projects for the assistance and comprehensive reparation looking to strengthen their appropriation capacity, and safeguard of their cultural expressions.
  • To support the execution of actions in local territory in order to fulfill, according to the law, the policies on assistance and reparation of the victims.
  • To promote and develop the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the Unit’s Integrated system.
  • Other functions atributed by law.

  • Functions of the ethnic coordinations

  • To give input and technical, economic and human resources needed for the design, execution, evaluation and follow-ups of the Collective Reparation Plans.
  • To assure the resources for the prior consultation on the Collective Plans
  • To design the mechanisms and strategies of participation
  • To do, together with the Land Restitution Unit and authorities, the comprehensive characterization of the damage. To send the Land Restitution Unit the information to include in the register
  • To manage, through the Victims Unique Register the data related with the meaning of being a victim.
  • To support the analysis of ethnical criteria of the victims
  • To design and implement the trainings on resource management
  • To support the creation of a decentralized system of documentation
  • To support the implementation of reconstruction mechanisms and the strengthening of cultural identity
  • To follow up the implementation of the Reparation Plans
  • To incorporate the differential ethnic approach in all the areas of the Unit


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