Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Citizens’ Lawsuits against the Unit for the Victims decreased in 2021

The Unit for Victims’ Legal Advisory Office’s Head, Vladimir Martin, highlighted the management carried out by this area in 2021 based on the objectives set by the entity. He also said that in 2021 there were zero convictions in contentious administrative matters against the Unit for the Victims.

An 85% success rate was also achieved in Citizens’ Lawsuits rulings notified to the entity, an effectiveness figure that confirms the relevance and pertinence of legal defense guidelines in constitutional actions.

Regarding Citizens’ Lawsuits filed against the entity, he pointed out that in 2021 there was a significant decrease in filings: 82% compared to previous years.

In the formulation of the unlawful damage prevention in contractual and labor matters policy, the socialization and application of this policy was fulfilled. This is validated by the Internal Control Office, which, in its final report to the General Direction, highlights this area fully executed all the proposed activities in the formulation of said policy in accordance with the State’s Legal Defense National Agency guidelines.

Similarly, the Legal Advisory Office established the new regulations issued on “Digital Justice” in an efficient and timely manner, adjusting procedures virtually such as electronic notifications, virtual hearings, electronic powers of attorney and other non-face-to-face judicial proceedings.

Regarding coercive and persuasive processes, Ramos said the Legal Advisory Office has a balance and record of 4,754 active processes to date, with a portfolio of more than 5.3 billion COP and an accounting clearance of about 3 billion COP; this need became an institutional challenge to effectively promote these processes. To this end, a new inter-administrative contract was signed with Central de Inversiones CISA S.A., which will guarantee greater support in the management of the coercive portfolio.

The Office also achieved the creation of guidelines for the actions application on properties that are under the administration of the Fund for the Victims Reparation, which are subject to irregular acts such as “invasions” and “public order disturbance”. To this end, Circular 0010 of 2021 “Guidelines for the invasion protocol application” was issued jointly with the Fund. Training was also given to administrators and other Fund officials on civil, police and criminal matters.

For the year 2022, the Unit’s Legal Advisory Office sets the following challenges:

• In Citizens’ Lawsuits, the proposal is to respond to 100% of these actions at the admission site.

• Continue the judicial strategy that started to move forward with cases, petitions, and precautionary and provisional measures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State’s Legal Defense National Agency requirements.

• The Legal Advisory Office wants to align the Peace Special Jurisdiction rulings based on the construction of solid defense lines that manage to channel the main source of the State’s integral reparation in these justice models.

• Position the SNARIV entities responsibility in relation to the indicators, the report, and the formulation, etc.