Basic elements of the law

Law 1448 of 2011 created in Colombia a complete system to protect, assist, attend and fully repair the victims of the conflict in the country.


As never before in the history of the Colombia, all the institutions have been put in place to help them heal the wounds after several decades of armed conflict.


The comprehensive repair to the victims doesn´t just entail a monetary compensation or the restitution of some goods, it involves state accompaniment in education, health, housing, employment and income generation programs. It also carries out the implementation of policies designed to recover the victim´s truth, dignity, memory, while also creating non-reoccurrence conditions for the years to come.


The law protects not only those who suffered forced displacement, dispossession or forced abandonment of land but also murder, kidnapping, torture, forced disappearance, recruitment of minors, antipersonnel mines and crimes against sexual freedom.


It also takes into account a differential approach because it recognizes that people who have suffered with greater rigor the effects of the conflict due to their age, gender, ethnic group, or situation of disability must also receive special treatment in terms of attention, assistance and repair.


In this space you can find a summary of the main aspects contemplated by the law for victims to exercise their rights.


If you have additional questions, please call the Telephone Atention Center of the entity for free, National Line 018000911119 and in Bogota, 4261111, or through this website, in our citizen service channels.






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