Application for registration in the single registry of victims

It is a statement that must be submitted by all those persons who consider themselves victims of armed conflict in Colombia, in which they must provide all the information required in a format designed for that purpose and tell in detail the circumstances of time, manner and place in which the victimizing facts occurred.


What is processed or what service is provided?


Article 155 of Law 1448 by which measures of assistance and integral reparation are dictated to the victims of internal armed conflict and other dispositions are dictated, establishes that those who consider themselves victims of conflict must present a declaration before the Public Prosecutor’s Office.


Who is targeted?


Population victim of the conflict


When is it done?


The victim (s) must declare at the moment they suffer the victimizing event; however, it is important to bear in mind that if the victimizing event (s) occurred (occurred) between January 1, 1985 and June 10, 2011, they may submit their declaration until June 10, 2015, likewise if the fact (s) were presented (submitted) after June 10, 2011, they will have two years to declare, these two years will be counted from the moment in which the events occurred.


How is the service processed or provided?


To present the application for registration in the Victims Registry, people must appear before an office of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (municipal representatives, regional ombudsmen and provincial or regional attorney offices) and tell the official who attends the circumstances of time, manner and place. that originated the facts victimizing him and his family group. This information will be recorded in the unique declaration form that signature and footprint of applicant must bear and the signature of the official who attends it.


It is necessary that the information collected through this form be as complete and accurate as possible in order to make a correct and timely assessment which determines the registration or not of the victims to the Single Registry of Victims.


It is not mandatory to submit documentation when submitting your declaration, in the following link you will find the step by step for the registration.


Where is the service processed or provided?


In any office of the Public Ministry: Regional and Provincial Ombudsman. Most attend from 8 AM to 5 PM, but you can get more information by going directly to some of them.


Keep in mind:


Additional Information.


The application for registration in the Victims Registry is a free procedure and does not require intermediaries. In the same way, the Unique Declaration Form used for this purpose is distributed by the Victim Integral Assistance and Reparation Unit to the offices of Public Ministry, completely FREE.


If you require additional information contact the telephone hotlines are in Bogota 4261111 and toll-free National is 018000911119.




Articles 155 and 156 of Law 1448 of 2011. “By which measures of attention, assistance and integral reparation are issued to victims of the internal armed conflict and other provisions are issued.”


Maximum response time


In accordance with previous regulations, the unit will have 60 working days to evaluate and make the decision to include or not in the sole Registry of victims the applicant and his family group.




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