All about the peace process, in native languages

In order to bring the Peace Agreement closer to the different communities that inhabit the national territory, the Unit for Victims publishes the content on topics such as: comprehensive agrarian development policy; political participation; solution to the problem of illicit drugs; victims and confidence building measures; in Creole languages, ri palenge, iku, uitoto, namtrik, and nasa yuwe.

This initiative seeks effective access to the information contained in the Agreement and the participation of the different ethnic groups of Colombia in the construction of a new country.

The content of this publication, made by the High Commissioner for Peace Office and translated by the Ministry of Culture, is free to print and distribute.

The following are available:

  • Ethnic peoples protagonists in the construction of peace – Summary of the ethnic chapter
  • Havana Agreement in Creole
  • Havana Agreement in Palenque
  • Havana Agreement in Uitoto
  • Havana Agreement in Nasa Yuwe
  • Havana Agreement in Ikun
  • Havana Agreement in Namtrik
  • To know the agreement in other languages, visit the website of the High Commissioner for Peace.

  • Formalities


    Don't tell stories!

    Radique de manera ágil cualquier irregularidad


    Satisfaction survey

    Su opinión es muy importante para mejorar nuestros servicios a nivel nacional


    Normativa SUIN JURISCOL

    Es el Sistema Único de Información Normativa del Estado colombiano


    Cobro Coactivo

    Facultad Especial de la Administración que le permite cobrar por sí misma los créditos a su favor