The Victims Unit supports 81 displaced families in El Tarra (Norte de Santander), with business units

The implementation of the productive projects delivered by the entity within the framework of the Special Family Accompaniment Schemes will begin in January 2021.

 A total of 81 families who were victims of armed conflict in the municipality of El Tarra, Norte de Santander, received supplies, elements and work materials for business units related to grocery stores, miscellaneous, beauty salons, restaurants, coffee shops, confectionery, ice cream parlors , fast food, cafeteria and bakery, delivered by the Victims Unit.

The territorial director of the entity in Norte de Santander and Arauca, Alicia María Rojas Pérez, stated that the initiative is implemented within the framework of the Special Family Support Schemes (EEAF), which are intended to complement, harmonize or make more flexible the offer or available state strategies, seeking to address as a priority aspects related to housing, food security and income and work.

“This beneficiary population of the process is in a condition of displacement in the process of returns and relocations carried out by the Victims Unit in compliance with the implementation of Law 1448 within the framework of comprehensive reparation. We seek to strengthen these productive projects that provide financial support to these families uprooted by violence that will improve their living conditions with the creation and strengthening of businesses”, said the official.

Rojas Pérez added that they are processes that contribute to the transformation and reconstruction of the social network, generating spaces for coexistence and reconciliation as peace-building agents in a municipality prioritized in the Peace Agreement, Development Programs with a Territorial Approach (PDET).


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El Resguardo Ampuile o Ambaló, ubicado en el municipio de Silvia, Cauca, resguardo ha sido víctima de todos los tipos de violencia, donde actores armados han desarmonizado su territorio con incursiones y hostigamientos.