The Unit for the Victims will support 12 initiatives for organizational strengthening and non-material reparation abroad

Victims’ organizations abroad, unorganized victims and civil society organizations will be in charge of fulfilling the projects presented from different countries of the world.

At the closing of the open call “Foundations: initiatives for reparation without borders” on April 25th, 12 proposals were selected, which will receive technical and financial support from the Unit for the Victims.

This Wednesday the first meeting with those selected was held in a space called “Start-up Workshop”. This allowed interaction between the Unit for the Victims’ staff, their cooperator Cisp and each of the projects’ leaders; the goal was to chart the work route for the months to come.

Among the selected initiatives, there are some aimed at memory and reconciliation actions, the formalization of their organizations, informative and investigative products and emotional rehabilitation, among others.

These are the initiatives that will be monitored according to the project line:

Organizational strengthening

  • • From Spain, Colectiva de Mujeres Refugiadas, Exiliadas y Migradas with itheir project “La Colectiva Digital Magazine”.
  • • From Argentina, the Victims Organization  Exiliades, Refugiades, Apatridas y Migrantes de Colombia en Argentina (VERAMCA) with their project “Por La Paz y La Memoria: Potenciando Ando”.
  • • From the United States, Alternativas de Reconciliación with a project with the same name.
  • • From Chile, Organizacion de Colombianos/as Refugiados/as en Chile (OCORCH) with their project “Resignificando fronteras Borrando barreras”.
  • • From Canada, Comision Etnica Afrocolombia Internacional with their project “Fortalecimiento a organizaciones de comunidades Étnica”.
  • From Costa Rica, Ecos de Colombia – Migracion y Refugio with their project “Avanzando Juntos”.

Non-material or symbolic repair

  • • From Canada, Colombian Refugees Association with their project “Exploracion del cuerpo sensible: construyendo reparacion en el exilio a traves de la danza tradicional colombiana”.
  • • From Mexico Colectivo por la Paz en Colombia with their project “Calle y Arte para no Olvidarte: memoria en solidaridad con las victimas colombianas”.
  • • From the United States, Arriago Inc. with their project “El Telar de la Confianza”.
  • • From Ecuador, Claudia Lorena and Diana Patricia Rios with their project “Costumbres y saberes ancestrales”.
  • • From Argentina, Blanca Nubia Posos and Socorro del Carmen Montenegro with “Costureras de memoria”.
  • • From Spain, Angela Raquel Jurado and Laura Magnolia Hoyos with “Memoria migrante, relatos transmedia de la diaspora”.

If you want to know more about these projects’ development and the entity’s open calls for the conflict victims abroad, we invite you to follow our social networks and visit


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El Resguardo Ampuile o Ambaló, ubicado en el municipio de Silvia, Cauca, resguardo ha sido víctima de todos los tipos de violencia, donde actores armados han desarmonizado su territorio con incursiones y hostigamientos.