The Unit delivered furniture and tools for home gardens, in Huila

This support is provided within the framework of the special support scheme within the Returns and Relocations Plan.

The Caquetá-Huila Territorial Victims Unit improves the social infrastructure in the municipalities of Pitalito and Garzón, benefiting educational institutions and local health centers, and with the implementation of a home garden program.

As explained by the director of the Caquetá-Huila territory, Yhina Paola Lombana López, the investment of the Unit for Victims in this delivery to the community amounted to more than $ 224 million.

“The idea is to strengthen comprehensive reparation for those affected by the armed conflict who decided to return or relocate in this area of ​​the country; This support is carried out within the framework of the special support schemes within the Return and Relocation Plan, seeking to benefit the community and contributing to its stabilization process”, indicated Lombana.

She pointed out that in Pitalito the provision of furniture was made to the health center and the José Eustasio Rivera educational institution, Main, Cabeceras and Normandía headquarters of the Brussels populated center.

Likewise, in the municipality of Garzón, the provision was made n furniture to the health post of the Zuluaga town center, which is quite important for the local community.

“We are reaching out to these populations to improve and dignify the living and educational conditions of these communities that suffered from the rigor of conflict and today renew their hopes for a new life with expectations and projects”, added the territorial director of the Unit.

The provision of furniture for educational institutions and health centers consisted as a priority in the delivery of filing cabinets, cabinets, screens, cabins, 4 and 6-seat dining rooms, desks, shelves, plastic chairs, operative chairs, fan boards, supplies for restaurants. (industrial kitchen, industrial dishwasher and extractor hood) and one-person desks.


On the other hand, the town of Brussels also benefited with the endowment for the Implementation of home gardens to 50 homes with an investment by the Unit for Victims of $ 40 million pesos.

The delivery consisted of hoes, forged bars, augers, carts, machetes, shovels, pikes, rakes, poly shadows, watering cans, plastic for nursery, manual knapsack pumps, fertilizers and seeds of chard, celery, squash, egg plant, Long onion, coriander, spinach, cauliflower, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, carrot, chives, peppermint, ginger, chamomile and oregano.


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