Table of victims of Leticia-Amazonas had a meeting

During the day, the Ombudsman’s Office directed a workshop for victims on teamwork and leadership, in turn, Resolution 1049 of March 15, 2019 was socialized, adopting the procedure for recognizing and granting compensation through administrative

The Victims Unit, the entities that make up the National System of Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims and the Table of Effective Participation of Victims of Leticia Municipality, Amazonas, held the first working session of 2019.

Carlos Trujillo, Bureau of victims coordinator in the municipal order, highlighted the session that “we verified the status of projects for the generation of income from past periods, as well as revising the Territorial Action Plan (PAT)”.

During the day, the Ombudsman’s Office organized a workshop for victims on teamwork and leadership and, in turn, socialized Resolution 1049 of March 15, 2019, in which the procedure for recognizing and granting compensation is adopted administratively, the technical method of prioritization is created, resolutions 090 of 2015 and 01958 of 2018 are repealed and other provisions are issued.

“This week, from May 21 and 22, the session of the Departmental Board will be held in the Ombudsman’s Office facilities, where the Truth Commission will have a presentation space”, said Trujillo, highlighting the objective of spaces for representation of victims: as the scenario that “the State offers to the population to ensure the impact on the policies that affect them, facilitating dialogue at all territorial levels”, he concluded.


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