51 families received humanitarian aid in Roberto Payán (Nariño)

The Victims Unit delivered food, habitat and hygiene kits that benefited 150 people who were displaced by the armed conflict in Barbacoas and Olaya Herrera municipalities.

The Victims Unit delivered in the municipality of Roberto Payán (Nariño), humanitarian assistance consisting of food, habitat and hygiene kits that benefited 51 families, 150 people in total, who had to flee in mass in the different territories of the Pacific Coast of Nariño.

These packages, delivered to heads of household, are made up of food, hygiene and kitchen items, blankets, bedding, mats, mosquito nets, towels, among others. The items were delivered to 14 families from the villages of Bocas de Pietra and Olaya Herrera municipality and 41 families from the Iguambi village of the Barbacoas municipality, who left their territory to safeguard their lives.

For the territorial director of the Unit in Nariño, William Pinzón Fernández, “this delivery of humanitarian assistance is carried out in subsidiarity and complementarity, in response to the request made by the Mayor’s Office of this PDET municipality, settled in the Pacific of Nariño, in order to provide attention to the displacements that have occurred as a result of clashes between illegal armed groups that operate in this area of ​​the south of the country. In coordination with the entities of the National System of Attention and Comprehensive Reparation for Victims ”, he noted.

Additionally, the Victims Unit delivered two temporary shelter kits to the Mayor’s Office of Roberto Payán, which remain as prevention to address new emergencies in the area. The logistics for the delivery of these items were coordinated jointly between the Victims Unit and the municipal mayor’s office.


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El Resguardo Ampuile o Ambaló, ubicado en el municipio de Silvia, Cauca, resguardo ha sido víctima de todos los tipos de violencia, donde actores armados han desarmonizado su territorio con incursiones y hostigamientos.