Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

The Returns and Relocations Subcommittee will be reactivated for Bugalagrande, Valle

The commitment was signed at the hearing to follow up on the Victims Law cited by a congressional commission and held with the presence of the Victims Unit.

The Victims Unit participated in the hearing convened by the commission of the Congress of the Republic that follows up on Law 1448 of 2011 or Victims Law and that on this day analyzed the situation of the municipality of Bugalagrande, in the center of Valle del Cauca.

In that session, the entity presented a report that reported 5.876 victims of armed conflict (about 24% of the population) in this municipality.

In this encounter, in which the local Mayor’s Office expressed concerns about the relocation in their territory of some indigenous communities victims of conflict from other regions of the country, a commitment was made to reactivate the Subcommittee on Returns and Relocations. “This in order for all the competent entities to articulate so that these relocation processes take place in an adequate manner, guaranteeing the measures of dignity, as has been the call of the Victims Unit”, ​​said Luz Adriana Toro Vélez, territorial director of the entity in Valle.

Regarding administrative compensations, one of the measures of comprehensive reparation, the Unit reported that in this locality, resources for $ 5.609 million have historically been delivered, which have reached the hands of 796 people. In this pandemic season, it is estimated that 74 people ($ 582 million) have been compensated, between March 17 and June 30.

Regarding the Collective Reparation component, it was reported that currently three communities are included, from the townships of Galicia, Ceilán and Chorreras.

These communities have already been notified of their inclusion and are waiting to start the repair route, planned to advance this year in the identification and enlistment phases in the three subjects, a situation that has been affected by the abnormality generated by the pandemic. However, supported by virtual activities, actions will be taken with the Administration to initiate the institutional enlistment that allows the entities to be ready to be part of the implementation of the Comprehensive Collective Reparation Plan.

(End /LJA/EG)

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El Resguardo Ampuile o Ambaló, ubicado en el municipio de Silvia, Cauca, resguardo ha sido víctima de todos los tipos de violencia, donde actores armados han desarmonizado su territorio con incursiones y hostigamientos.

La campaña electoral de 1986 tuvo como hito la elección de 14 congresistas, 18 diputados, 20 consejeros en los territorios nacionales y 335 concejales por parte de la Unión Patriótica (UP), un partido de izquierdas que surgía del proceso de paz con las FARC-EP.

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