Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Families victims of enforced disappearance in Nariño receive food kits

The delivery was made thanks to the management of social organizations and with the support of the Government of Nariño and the Victims Unit, in Tumaco, Ipiales, Samaniego and Pasto.

In an articulation between the Under secretariat of Peace and Human Rights, of Nariño Governorate, the Victims Unit, the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) and the Working Table, Prevention and assistance to victims of disappearance of the department of Nariño , and through the Orlando Fals Borda Socio-Legal Corporation, the associations of victims of enforced disappearance from the municipalities of Tumaco, Ipiales, Samaniego and Pasto, received food kits to mitigate the crisis due to the emergency caused by COVID-19 that is going through the country .

Rocío Granja, legal representative of the AVID association, thanked the entities for this work: “One realizes that these efforts help us survive, since the majority of women who were looking for their loved ones are informal workers, who haven´t been able to go out into the streets to find their financial support, but here it is reflected that both the Government of Nariño as the Victims Unit have not left us alone and are shaking hands in these times of crisis”.

José Amílcar Pantoja, Undersecretary of Peace and Human Rights of Nariño Governorate highlighted: “The articulation that we have been working on behalf of the victims with the Unit is very important, in this case it is very satisfactory to be able to get some food to the homes they need so much”.

William Pinzón Fernández, territorial director of the Unit in Nariño, emphasized the importance of being able to serve this population: “It is satisfactory for us to reach these families who are looking for their loved ones and who have given us an example of perseverance, struggle and resilience. I thank those who have joined this work, the members of the Departmental Table and the Nariño Governorate because together we have brought each family a little sustenance in the face of this emergency”.

In total, 20 families benefited in Ipiales, 120 in Tumaco, 20 in Samaniego and 181 in Pasto.

In addition, the Fals Borda corporation provided the personal protection elements (PPE): an anti-fluid suit, two masks, a certified N 95 mask and a pair of extra-long nitrile gloves for the gravediggers of Pasto, Ipiales and Tumaco.


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