Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Mayor’s offices of Bajo Cauca Antioquia are trained to fulfill their role with the victims

The Victims Unit provides technical assistance to new municipal officials to include care and repair routes in their development plans.

The officials of the new municipal administrations of the subregion of Bajo Cauca-Antioquia were trained with the Unit for Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims to continue the public policy for this population in the 2020-2023 development plans.

In Caucasia, the liaisons of attention and government secretaries of Caucasia, Cáceres, El Bagre, Nechí, Zaragoza and Tarazá met to learn about the procedures and articulation to move forward with the implementation of the Victims Law, as well as the mission processes and strategic projects prioritized for this year by the Unit.

To that end, “the processes of individual and collective reparation, victimization prevention processes, return and relocation plans, subsidiarity mechanisms, as well as inter-institutional offer, were trained”, said Wilson Córdoba, director of the Victims Unit in Antioquia.

He also pointed out that “this technical assistance seeks that in the formulation of the Development Plans of each municipality, resources be allocated to assist the victims and that they have greater inclusion in each of the social programs of the municipalities”.

The subregion of Bajo Cauca – Antioquia is prioritized by the Victims Unit because of the high proportion of the population affected by the armed conflict and for their municipalities, the implementation of collective reparation, return and relocation plans is prioritized, in addition to the Development Programs with Territorial Approach (PDET) and Future Zones of the national Government.

During this month, the Victims Unit trained the new mayors and officials of the Colombian municipalities, since the territorial entities have joint responsibility in the care, assistance and integral reparation to the victims and this is achieved through articulation and the inclusion of projects in their development plans for these four years of their administrations.



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