Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Effective attention to victims in San Juan Valley (Tolima)

In two days, concerns were resolved about 200 people who attended the conference led by the Unit for Victims.

During the days of attention to the victims of armed conflict in the municipality of Valle de San Juan (Tolima), the Unit for the territorial Victims Center, understood 190 people who approached the municipal seat on August 8 and 9.

Officials of the entity resolved concerns about procedures and guidelines regarding requests for humanitarian aid, requests for updating data, updating news in the single registry of victims, change of municipality of business and guidance regarding administrative compensation according to Resolution 1958.

Some of the entities of the National System of Comprehensive Attention and Reparation for Victims, such as Colpensiones, SENA, and the family compensation funds of the department were also part of the days of attention to the victim population; Likewise, the National Police provided support for the surveillance and control of the activity.

According to the Unique Registry of Victims, the San Juan Valley, currently has a total of 720 victims as a result of the armed conflict.


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