Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

ANUC strengthens with collective reparation

With the accompaniment in the realization of its General Assembly, progress is being made in the implementation of the Comprehensive Collective Repair Plan of this organization.

The president of the Republic, Iván Duque, the director of the Department of Social Prosperity, Susana Correa and the director of the Victims Unit, Ramón Rodríguez, accompanied the closing of the General Assembly of the National Association of Peasants of Colombia ANUC. The activity was carried out as part of the Comprehensive Collective Repair Plan (PIRC) that has been implemented with this association.

The National Association of Peasant Users ANUC was included in the Unique Victims Registry (RUV) on July 7, 2015. From this date, the collective, hand in hand with the Unit for Victims, began its process on the repair route collective to compensate for the damages suffered during the armed conflict.

This work with ANUC, has had an investment in the implementation of its plan for more than 2,200 million, which have contributed to organizationally strengthen the group, consisting of 110,000 beneficiaries of the repair, which are its associates.

“Currently, the Collective Repair Plan of the ANUC has 12 measures and 78 actions of which 42 are the responsibility of the Unit and within these, progress has been made in the implementation of 60%, with an investment of more than 2,200 million pesos”, explained the director of the Unit, Ramón Rodríguez.

The official said that “with a new investment that is being made this semester, it is planned to sign an agreement for administrative closure and compliance with the measures and actions of the Plan that are pending by the Unit, in Organizational Strengthening, in delivery of vehicles and the provision of tools for agricultural use, among others, to complete a total investment of 3,000 million at the end of year”.

The president of the Republic, Iván Duque Márquez, stressed that “we must promote associativity so that farmers are entrepreneurs and so that they can market their products more easily,” and added that “it is necessary to open financial opportunities for them not to borrow in the drop by drop”.

Luis Alejandro Jiménez, president of ANUC, said that “the time has come for the peasants to be seen as what they really are, as a productive sector of Colombia, a vital sector, with the same importance as the other economic sectors”.

The Victims Unit will continue to support the ANUC for the management before the entities of the National System for the Comprehensive Care and Reparation of the SNARIV Victims, for the closure of the remaining 26 actions of the Comprehensive Collective Reparation Plan.

Collective reparation is aimed at the recognition and dignification of rural, neighborhood and ethnic communities, social and political organizations and groups that have suffered collective damage. Through citizen inclusion, psychosocial recovery and the reconstruction of the social fabric, it is possible to strengthen the groups.

The General Assembly of delegates of ANUC, which was held at the facilities of the National Peasant House in Bogotá.


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