Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Victims Unit will participate in Institutional Week in Miraflores, Guaviare

In the first version of this event, the Transitional Justice Committee, the Municipal Council for Peace, Reconciliation and Coexistence, the Municipal Council for Social Policy (COMPOS), the Bureau of Children and Adolescents will be held.

The Victims Unit will accompany the institutional week scheduled by the mayor of Miraflores, Guaviare, from July 9 to 12, 2019.

This is the first version of event that includes the realization of the Transitional Justice Committee, the Municipal Council of Peace, Reconciliation and Coexistence, the Municipal Council of Social Policy (COMPOS), the Childhood and Adolescence Board, and different participation scenarios for address issues of public policy for victims of armed conflict.

According to the Unique Registry of Victims in Miraflores, 669 people said they suffered from different victimizing events that affected their ways of life in the context of violence.

For this reason, the territorial director (e) for Meta and Llanos Oriental, Juan Felipe Acosta, indicated that “this schedule of actions that will be carried out in this municipality, will allow progress in the objectives of comprehensive care and reparation for the victims, not betting only to review what happened in the past, but how are we going to strengthen ourselves as a National System of Comprehensive Care and Reparation for Victims”.

The official stressed that the Unit, in this municipality, has invested more than 568 million pesos in community infrastructure projects, which seek to encourage and strengthen initiatives that contribute to the reduction of population vulnerability, strengthening the capacity of the institutional response, guaranteeing access to basic needs after having suffered some victimizing event.

“Likewise, we have delivered administrative reparations to survivors of armed conflict who declared facts in this territory, for a figure that exceeds 500 million pesos, guaranteeing the progress of their life projects”, Acosta concluded.

Miraflores, located south-east of San José del Guaviare, capital of department, rises municipally on the northeastern margin of the Vaupés River in what is known as the Colombian Amazon, with 15 indigenous reservations within its jurisdiction.


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