Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Delivery of food packages to victims in Magdalena Medio continues

In this case, the beneficiaries are victims residing in the municipalities of Puerto Berrío (Antioquia) and Landázuri (Santander).

In order to provide aid to families who are victims of conflict in municipalities of Magdalena Medio, the Victims Unit allocated resources to carry a total of 300 food kits.

Deliveries were made in the municipalities of Puerto Berrío (100 kits of which nine were for the karamandu indigenous community and the rest for the victim population), and in Landázuri (200 kits), for a total of 300 food packages delivered in these two localities attached to the Magdalena Medio territory of the Victims Unit.

The deliveries were made in compliance with all biosafety protocols to avoid the spread of COVID-19 and the beneficiaries are people who are included in the Single Registry of Victims, and who had not received humanitarian attention, nor had they been favored with the different State programs.

For Héctor Gabriel Camelo, director in charge of the Victims Unit in Magdalena Medio, “with these deliveries we continue to serve the victims of our region who are experiencing difficulties due to the health emergency”.

The packages provided by the Unit contain panela, oil, rice, salt, chocolate, pasta, tuna and flour, among other basic products.



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