Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Act of dignification to victims of Kankuamo people from reservation Atánquez, Cesar

The event, which will take place this Saturday, May 18, will be carried out as part of a measure to repair a Justice and Peace sentence.

Through an act that dignifies and exalts the good name of victims of the Kankuamo people of reservation of Atánquez in Cesar, who died as a result of actions of the missing North Block, Front Mártires del Cesar of AUC, one of the measures of reparation to this community, determined in a Justice and Peace sentence.

In this act of dignification, Jhon Jairo Hernández Sánchez, demobilized from the North Block, will make a public act of recognition of the good name of victims and the entire Kankuamo people, for the damage caused to this community during the armed conflict, where there were various murders due to accusations as collaborators of guerrilla. The event will take place in the community subcenter of Atánquez this Saturday, May 18.

The event will be attended by some 50 people, including victims, indigenous authorities, officials of Cesar Government and servers of the Victims’ Unit and the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization.

This act is part of the implementation of a measure of satisfaction within the framework of the integral reparation processes developed by the Victims Unit, and with which it accompanies the entities of the National System of Attention and Integral Reparation to Victims (Snariv ).


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