Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

The Victims Unit review initiatives for the victimized population in PDET municipalities, in Putumayo

The Victims Unit accompanied the Second Regional Roundtable for the Promotion of Development Programs with a Territorial Focus, to present the progress in the 11 projects that it is carrying out in this department.

With the Territory Renewal Agency (ART) and with the participation of national, departmental, municipal and international organizations, the Second Regional Roundtable for the promotion of PDET initiatives began. The Victims Unit, Territorial Putumayo, presented the initiatives that it has been developing and that seek to strengthen the public policy of victims.

Within the presentation, which corresponded to pillar 8 of reconciliation, coexistence and peacebuilding, the Unit announced that 11 projects that are part of the PDET and that are framed in the process of collective reparation and returns and relocations.

Jorge Arcos, coordinator of the Territorial Renewal Agency, stated: “This will allow us to consolidate the dream of more than 25,000 peasants who participated in the construction of development plans with a territorial focus, this pillar unites us all as it is cross”.

These projects reflect the needs of the communities aimed at the effective enjoyment of the rights that allow the overcoming of vulnerability, giving way to the construction of peace.


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