Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

The first Departmental Transitional Justice Committee was held in Popayán

This committee was given as a follow-up to the early warning that was established for the municipality of Algeria where the Victims Unit advanced in the consolidation and updating of the contingency plan

The Victims Unit in Cauca, the Government of Cauca and the General Attorney General of Nation convened the first Departmental Transitional Justice Committee, which addressed issues that allow progress in compliance with public policy for victims in this Department.

In the Committee that was carried out as a follow-up to the early warning for the municipality of Algeria, the provision of a shelter kit that allows them to have an immediate response to any emergency situation was also delivered.

The session was attended by mayors of the 42 municipalities of Cauca, representatives and organizations of victims, and sought to coordinate spaces of articulation with the National System of Attention and Integral Reparation to Victims (SNARIV), which allow to provide the entire population the integral attention and reparation to which you are entitled.

“It is important to address the collective and individual reparations that are in the department, in order to advance the public policy of victims, therefore, this committee of Transitional Justice gives lights to move towards the repair of victims”, ​​said the governor of Cauca, Oscar Rodrigo Campo Hurtado.

In this space was also announced the progress in the process of characterization of victims of department municipalities, which will strengthen and achieve progress on issues of public policy and decision making for the benefit of this population.

Dan Harry Sanchez Cobo, territorial director of the Victims Unit, said that “this first departmental committee on Transitional Justice, allowed us to socialize the Government Closure Strategy and New Heads of State, that allows us to put ourselves at the service of municipal and departmental administrations. the completion of his management report and thus articulate for the victims of Cauca”.


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El Resguardo Ampuile o Ambaló, ubicado en el municipio de Silvia, Cauca, resguardo ha sido víctima de todos los tipos de violencia, donde actores armados han desarmonizado su territorio con incursiones y hostigamientos.

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