Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Day of attention to victims in Puerto Ospina, Putumayo

For three days, the Victims Unit attended and responded to the concerns of the victim population of Puerto Ospina, Putumayo.

After a four-hour boat trip along the Putumayo River, the Victims Unit arrived at Puerto Ospina Village, jurisdiction of Puerto Leguízamo municipality, to participate in the inter-institutional care session for the victim population of this place.

During the day of attention, the victims of the municipality were explained about their rights and their concerns were answered.

Likewise, the professional who accompanied the day carried out a verification mission to identify the context of armed conflict in this district.

“We hope that you continue to do these conferences and support us with care, because it is very effective when institutions come to us so that we do not always have to look for institutions”, said one of those attending the conference.

In addition to the Victims Unit, the Government of Putumayo, the National Army, SENA, among other entities, participated in the day where more than 300 people were served with the varied institutional offer.



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