Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

El Libano community validated its collective reparation plan

This peasant group from Pradera is made up of approximately 210 people and stands out for its union and solidarity.

The community of El Líbano, Pradera (Valle del Cauca), which constitutes a subject of collective reparation recognized by the Colombian Government for the damages suffered on account of the armed conflict, validated what will be its Comprehensive Collective Reparation Plan (PIRC).

The foregoing means that before its spokespersons and representatives, the Victims Unit presented the final version of the plan built between the institution and the community over several years and which includes not only its history and diagnosis of what it experienced as a result of the war, but the concerted actions through which they seek to repair Lebanon for all those damages caused by the armed conflict.

“The community of El Líbano was recognized as a subject of collective reparation in 2015, it is made up of approximately 210 people and there are 36 returned families. This is basically a peasant community and which stands out for its union and solidarity. The conflict considerably affected the lives of this group in terms of their traditional practices, their organizations and productive development, among other aspects”, said Luz Adriana Toro Vélez, territorial director of the Unit for Victims in El Valle.

The journey to establish the Comprehensive Plan of Collective Reparation required the organization of the community, definition of leadership and psychosocial work together. After validation by the community, which has already given its approval to this Repair Plan, which includes delivery of goods for collective use, social and educational infrastructure, community strengthening and psychosocial support, the final approval step will come in the next Pradera Transitional Justice Committee.


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